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Digital image processing
Project Infomation
Genre: Digital image processing programming
Software&Language: visual studio 2015, C++ CImage
Duration: 3 months
Independent work: programming
Digital image processing is an Advanced class I attended in my third academy year. In this class, I played with pixels by coding with C++. I learned the concept of color mode and color conversion, algorithm, and coding of digital image arithmetic operations, logic operations, geometric operations, enhancement based on the histogram, smooth enhancement, sharpen enhancement, frequency domain, degrade blur and restoration.
The followings are some examples of my works.
Input image:

output images of graying effect



Input image:

output images of contrast adjustment:

output images of luminance adjustment:

output image of auto contrast adjustment:

output image of Local linear transformation:

output image of Global linear transformation:

output image of RGB histogram and accumulation histogram

output image of exponent:
output image of Equalization of histogram

output image of histogram matching:
match image of histogram matching/input image of geometric transformation:

output image of histogram matching(Guassian)
output image of ripple effect:

output image of twirl effect:

output image of sphere effect:

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