Project Infomation
Genre: Interior Design and 3D Modeling
Software: 3DS Max 2017
Duration: four days
Independent work: Designing layout, modeling, applying the texture and light effect.
This a lovely modern living room that I have been pictured in my mind. I created many details and furniture to make it look like more realistic and interesting. All the paintings on the wall are my favorite modern art works which make the color match in the room more vivid but not chaotic.
Details Explanation
In order to create a room space, the first thing I did is adding more edges to the box and extruding some of the edges to create two big windows in the living room. Then I set the camera into a perfect position to see the inside of the living room.
It's a little boring in the back wall, so I added some ornaments on it.

Secondly, I created a pillow using a garment maker and cloth modifier in the 3ds Max. After stimulating the pillow, I also added some mesh turbulent and noise effects to make it look more realistic. When it comes to the chair, firstly, I drew the basic outline of the arm and then extruded the outline to create a solid model of arm.

Then, I made materials for the sofa of its different parts.

The followings images are some creating examples of the desk in this living room,
The final render image